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Sustainability Seed seeks to combat climate change through sustainable infrastructure and practices, creating a cascade of disruption that results in new industries and changes where sustainability is a fundamental everyday mindset.
Executive Summary:
Climate Change is the largest problem facing humanity in this century. As a multi-layered problem of vast scope and multi-generational factors, it can seem daunting. The magnitude of the issue also represents a vital opportunity; not only to simply do better, but for lasting and significant change requiring vision, investment, and dedication.
Sustainability Seed is a multi-stage company with long-term goals and vision. Our start-up began as a sustainability consulting firm to build and scout partnerships with agribusinesses, the energy sector, and other businesses. In parallel, we are developing the Carbon Refinery, a new type of sustainable infrastructure that takes multiple types of carbon waste and transforms them into various carbon products using a number of mature technologies operating with synergy.
The synergy between the Carbon Refinery and sustainability consulting will allow us to utilize unused waste products and land in ways that are economical, novel, and sustainable while promoting sustainable infrastructure through grant writing, partnerships, and eventually underwriting. Through these actions, we can nurture and expand the Carbon Economy, giving value to carbon and addressing climate change in a fundamental manner.
We believe that by showing that profits can be made from sustainable practices, industry will necessarily follow; and in this time of turmoil, it is all the more important to create and develop lasting partnerships for the betterment of all involved, be that partners, customers, or neighbors. Sustainability Seed is a seed of an idea that given time, care, and resources, will grow and flourish.
Stage 1:
Sustainability Consulting: By developing connections to agribusiness and energy companies, we not only can prove ourselves, but also demonstrate a better path, both for our clients and our future.

Stage 2:
The Carbon Refinery: This innovative facility combines multiple mature technologies to break down carbon waste from multiple sources, transforming them into viable carbon products. By patenting this process and supporting technologies, we can manage and grow our IP.
Stage 3:
Operational Carbon Refinery: By combining Stage 1 and 2, we can use the existing network of agribusiness to distribute the transformed carbon products, sequestering carbon in the soil, reducing the need for fertilizers and allowing soil to better retain moisture. This will foster the carbon economy, giving value to carbon and changing the mindset from waste to value.

Diverse Revenue Streams
During Stage 3, our company is uniquely poised. By being paid to accept the waste products we transform, paid for carbon credits generated by the carbon we process, and being paid for the carbon products we produce, we not only can gather the most carbon possible at the best price, but significantly affect the world, combating climate change and generating profit.
Long-term Vision
Our vision is a multi-year journey, but one that we believe can have lasting effects upon the world. By seeing what other's miss, by using the lens of sustainability, we can find opportunity in planting the seed of sustainability in the soil of today.